Monday, June 27, 2011

Booo Disappointing Storm!

Happy Birthday Boi's Mom! Speaking of mom's, my mom got back yesterday it's good to have everyone back around!

So I was sitting here, giddy with anticipation. I was hearing thunder, A LOT OF THUNDER! I checked out the radar, and a big fat red cell was descending upon my fair city! I went outside, took a deep breath, ahhhh beautiful, wonderful! The rain started! Soon it would be hard and fast and LOUD! But uh. Then the thunder stopped. We're getting poured on, but where's my damn wonderful summer storm? The blasted sun is shining through the downpour for goodness sakes! This isn't what I wanted! Sure, rain, great, I don't have to water now. But... boo. Sighs, and now the rain is tapering, the wind is dying down....

27weeks Oh well. I took a weekly belly photo today, just did it myself since I'm horrible at remembering when Boi is home. Apparently I can't smile. So you don't get a smiling picture. But oh well - Peanut continues to grow. Boi is halfway through his shift, then he gets tomorrow off. We have to finish the closet (we got part of the way) and make a bunch of phone calls. But this morning he was super responsible and bought our Brewer game tickets for next week! LOL, assuming the orbitz call goes as planned (sighs, at this point if it doesn't go as planned we don't have a backup plan, gotttttta make that call tomorrow!) that'll suffice as our babymoon. More so for him, sure, but that's ok. He's the one going to work every day after all, he deserves all the pampering I can manage to give him!

- evening -

I should make him a pie... I've been good this week at having a surprise for him when he comes home, I don't have one planned as of yet. I think we've got like a boxed cheesecake thinger sitting around here. That would be tasty.

And there my girls go being adorable - all snuggled up together. They've always got each other, even if we're not home :)

Ugh, I'm so warm - I think my hormones are going out of whack again. But I've relocated up to the bedroom where at least I can flip on the air conditioner and feel a little better. I'd go out on the deck, but there was a lot of wind in the downpour earlier. Meaning wet furniture, even the couch under the overhang. Oh well. Bed's are more comfy anyways ^.^ Oooh, I could read a little while I'm up here - I'm about 3/4 of my way through The Hobbit. I'd read LotR next, but I don't believe we have a copy of the book? Boi, when you read this and if I'm wrong, let me know. Otherwise I have a book on the Romanov's I've been meaning to get into - alas it's a big book (like big, height and length and heft) so not so easy to read... I'll figure something out!

Peanut has been behaving himself today. So I think I'm going to put this down, lay down on my side and get him moving hopefully. That'll make me happy even if I'm suffering through a hot flash! Weee! Have a good evening, hopefully I'll have lots of happy news to report in a few days!

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