Oy vey, yesterday was just downright horrible. Dear little Almond spent pretty much the whole day lodged sideways in my belly. My stomach was sore all day, I'd wince if Peanut even touched it, never mind a good elbowing as he tried to snuggle up with me. If I tried to walk farther then just one other room she'd start beating up on me, the walking must have tightened up her space. But it took till after dinner till she finally readjusted herself. Let's not have a repeat of that. But we just had another perfectly healthy appointment so we'll stick to thinking about the good and not the bad.
In under 2 months she'll be in my arms, and in 27 days I'll be 31. Feels older than 30, and more then the obvious +1 reason. But it's cool, I don't care much about ages. Just... just feels older. But I'll have these two young'uns to keep me young for quite some time!
Two days till Aunt K comes with the E's! So excited to see them, bummed that it will likely be forever till we see them again. With us both having babies in the next few months, travel will get hard. Le sighs.
Peanut has had another rough week. Zero bladder control, all we can figure was that the milk we bought went bad (like 2-3 days after opening it?!) and that caused it. But for 3 days it was constant accidents. Poor kiddo. He seems to be over it now though, no problems last night and holding it fine this morning. Phew!
We need more Peanut-isms. This morning, after our morning pleasantries, the first thing he said was "Wanna come to my room and see my globe????"
Yesterday after I told him he could have PBJ for lunch, he ran down to the play kitchen to make me some too. Came up with bread and a hamburger covered in glitter. He was very proud. I quickly put the glitter in a harder to reach place ;)
Got to get some energy up this morning to head out, need an eggplant if I'm going to make ratatouille tonight. Ugh, at least I still have time to head out, it's not THHHHHHHAAAAAT LATE :)
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