At our last appointment, my OB informed me that she bumped back our due date 11 days based on the u/s measurements. Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, my fundal measurements have been right on or above, I first felt her kick at 15 weeks ( 13 weeks seems like a stretch) and Peanut was small in his too and he arrived just fine on his due date.
But whatever, as long as I don't end up going late, there's no issue, right? She'll choose her due date then. She knows what's right.
We passed our glucose test so it seems I do not have gestational diabetes. Always a plus! We had an awful time with that blood draw though, they weren't able to get the blood in my right arm, but he kept trying and trying and trying and eventually my firm hold gave way and I had to focus on not passing out. Sighs. I had hoped that had stopped since my first pregnancy. Can't always get what you want I guess, and maybe I will have a hard time if I want to start donating plasma with the hubby.
He stole my asparagus soup |
Peanut's been... at least acting like he is going to grow. I'll have to check him here soon. He had his stereotypical growth week at the beginning of the month, but we didn't notice any extra height. But he's been waking up early and still eating plenty the week after so who knows what's going on. Maybe his toes are growing. Maybe it's that big fat brain. Every day we hear him getting sharper with his statements/comebacks and attempting at learning some humor. His favorite things to say are "Is that a good idea?" and "Which way I go..." We're still waiting on some nice weather this summer, it's been so super rainy. He has a hard time accepting getting wet so he doesn't like to go out in the rain much.

Peanut just informed me I have one minute to finish this up. We've got a fun week coming up, tomorrow we're celebrating Papa's birthday, Thursday is Thomas and Saturday Uncle A is flying up. We're having a transportation week, I got him a new driving iPad game (he rediscovered the iPad a few days ago actually, he wanted to play on my gameboy and I reminded him he had a tablet full of games). He got to ride the snowmobile in an arcade. Trains and planes coming up. We're talking about monster trucks. Not sure what else we'll do offhand, I'm having an off day today, so... you know... space ships. Enterprise. Standard stuff there. Maybe go to the library and find some new books on the subject.
I think my minute is up, ciao!
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