--- A few weeks ago, neglected to publish ---
Almond Joy Update! Nothing to report. HAH! The Mister felt her kick for the first time, but there hasn't been any major sicknesses or painful periods related to her lately, so behaving good. She continues to make my butt look big and not my belly. I'm feeling her tons now though, she seems to like to kick me while I'm making conversation with someone, and I get to ignore the constant popping.
Peanut Update! We rode on an Amtrak train - very exciting. Our whole trip to Mtown was a success. We had a kind of a weird weekend coming up. MeeMaw was busy and Friday would be my loooooooong day.... but I switched up The Mister's plasma donation to Saturday and we could make a thing out of it. Went to Target and bought more trains, then ate cashews at a park.
I'm planning after this nap to take him out and plant our squash. We have a couple chilly mornings coming up, but it should be before they germinate. It isn't going to make him happy, for some reason he can only play with his Enterprise in the Front Yard. It's Front Yard only. And if he can't play with his Enterprise then he needs to ride his bike, which he also can't do in the Back Yard. It's going to be a lot of drama. But hopefully The Mister is able to get out early today, and if he puts up a stink they can go for a bike ride while I do it. I'd love to include him, but he does plant some spinach seeds occasionally anyways. They were already planted, but he decided to disturb the soil and then cry and cry about planting something, so I said whatever, plant a few more in there.
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