Piles of Children Clothes |
Friday's garage sale was a success. One tiny bummer, I passed on a toy chest, and it was gone the next day, but I let that one happen, so hey! I can take it! We were even having some problems with finding the clothes we wanted, which shows a little, but at the end of the day we persevered. The main problem we found was that almost all the baby girl clothes seasons were reversed. 3-6 months would be pretty spring dresses and 9-12m would be winterwear. Which is not what we need. So it took a lot of search through stuff (at least it doesn't matter when you're buying footsie pajamas) to find the gems and a lot of "this would be soooo cute! ... if only I'd actually put it on her in January."
By the end of the day I was moving pretty slow, but we decided to stop at a pink garage sale I had seen on my way over. It ended up being an expensive one, and the one next door had squat. There was one more house next door, teeny tiny little one car garage one that we couldn't see inside of. We braved it, and not only found a cute outfit, but Almond's first room decoration, a very pretty vertical sunflower garland. With some cute wooden bugs on it for more room inspiration. Ended up being very much worth it.
Fixing his train |
Peanut did really well too. I wasn't sure it was going to be enough, but now that I have things hung up, I think he's sitting rather pretty for the next year. It will need a few more specific pieces (like a hoodie and more socks) but on the whole, it's looking damn good. Of course I won't know for sure until I see how he grows. Usually by the end of winter his arms are mostly grown into the next size, and he's legs are just starting. Which makes things awkward if I don't have enough bought ahead of time, as he has to make it a few months until garage sale season starts up. And to compound the issue, we're in full blown preschool boy mode, which means all the jeans at sales have worn through knees that he'll have ripped through before spring.
Even the Mister is sitting pretty, we have already found one pair of work pants and 2 work shirts for him. With that and our really excellent retail shopping trip, he could rip through 3 tops at this point and he'd still be fine (trust me, he will). I even found a maternity top, in the right season that wasn't garish in my size (again with all the spring baby girls, every sale seemed to only have long sleeved maternity).
So now we move onto the actual doing up of the rooms. I've cleared off the crafting stuff off of the changing table to use as a dresser for now. She's still going to need one but the only dressers I saw at the sales were all part of sets, and the only one of those I liked had been sold. It's going to be a ton of work to get everything moved and organized down here. I underestimated my endurance last night and ended up on the couch late afternoon yesterday for hours unable to do anything - I had wiped myself out. I think it was more the combination of that and the garage sales the day before, two extremely active days just ended up being too much. But at least the washing machine can take a break today (I might go through a few more of Peanut's bags though for gender neutral items.)