Comparing fetuses so far:
Peanut's HB was 165 at 16 weeks and this one is 158. Which was down to 151 at the 20 week appointment. I wanted nonstop cheeseburgers with Peanut and this one I like more fruits and sweet things, though no super serious cravings. I never had hair issues with Peanut and this one my hair is falling out. I've been sicker with her than Peanut, but not crazy so. So far I'm still walking ok, where as after my U/S with Peanut began the real pain.
He'll be keeping his room, though we'll likely move him into the full size bed (lucky kid!) since it'll be much more convenient to have out for company vs the trundle/cot bed he has now. We'll be redecorating and looking for some really cool real train type stuff to decorate his room with. I'm planning on letting him choose the wall color, we'll give him a few options, one to keep it the same, one being a more muted color and one being a white-ish color.

Have to work on both of their closets, we'll need another dresser, all my crafting stuff needs to get relocated to the play room. Aunt K is coming for a week this summer to help us get focused and working. Dang, it's weird thinking about it only being a little over four months away.
Other then the couple of gifts we've gotten so far, we haven't really bought anything yet. First things first I guess is to clear out all the craft stuff and make room for it down here. I think Peanut will be happy with losing a little bit of his space if it means I'll be doing things closer to him. At least, that's the theory I'm going with! And he's got plenty of space anyways. Just did another purge of toys before Trivia last weekend, there was plenty we could put in the basement without disturbing him. He still loves trains the most, but he's been really happy with his play kitchen stuff as of late. I got hit with some nausea yesterday and he did his best to nurse me back to health by cooking up some play food. Sweet little kid :)
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