12) Croup cough started in the middle of the night. Took him to the doctor to help his breathing. Poor kid. He was nervous about letting her look into his ears, and overly sensitive about most everything. :( After his nap he was extra miserable too, with his fever returning. We toggled between train videos and Curious George throughout the day.
13) Up a chunk of the night miserable. Poor kid :( We visit Meemaw and Papa for awhile though, and Peanut refuses to nap. But he's pretty well behaved until dinner time when he devolved into a mess. Mr Veggie has to work late and poor Peanut has to deal with me for bathtime too. But he survived the experience.
14) Starting to feel a bit better. He doesn't want to do anything much all day but stay at home and quietly play though. We convinced him later that night to go for a short walk to look at christmas lights though. We also invent the game "Hide and go Moo" which is exactly what it sounds like. He moo'd at everything on our walk too.
15) We decide he needs one more day to rest and don't go to the gym. I do go out and pick up Polar Express though so we watch that. He loves it. Bedtime routine is he gets up, counts to 3 (or 5 or 3 again) turns off the light and lays down and we sing Twinkle Twinkle together. I think he was trying to get more verses out of us, he refused to sing, then he sang, then he demanded we all sing together (instead of us all just doing that from the start) and this was the multiple night of him deliberately trying to mess up song time so he cried a bit after we told him it was just time for bed.
16) He goes to school, he's got a new box of Chex and loves eating it dry (less milk mess!) We had an unorthodox dinner, I made waffles, and he started having one when he spied a candy cane. So I let him have one after the candy cane, then when Mr Veggie came home, they sat down and ate more. Dessert in the middle! Then some Elf special was on TV, the elf's name was Buddy, which confused poor Peanut a tad bit. But at least our "punishment" of not singing a third time seemed to work and finally we were all back to singing twinkle twinkle together.

He's a big fan of our new door too.
We got a lot of good dancing in tonight, and much play with the flying/swimming/I don't know Rainbow fish. Also we got a new ornament for the tree. Then when he jumped into the bathtub he declared "I clean!" Way to save water buddy ;)
We got a lot of good dancing in tonight, and much play with the flying/swimming/I don't know Rainbow fish. Also we got a new ornament for the tree. Then when he jumped into the bathtub he declared "I clean!" Way to save water buddy ;)
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