Peanut is branching out!!!! We've got him adding 'All Aboard!!' into his mixture of vehicle sounds. Actually tonight he used every babbling tone he had while playing. All I could do was shake my head and wonder what the heck that train was up to :) Ugh, though to get the video I have up to youtube to post in here, I think I might have to cancel my stream, it gets a little touch and go sometimes the way it is. So I'll post this tomorrow.
Well, I survived like a 24 hour type stomach bug. Yay! Boi and Peanut seem fine, he spent some time with Grandma while I got all the way back on my feet. Boi... well, he worked. Still is, as I type, I'll check on him in 6 minutes. Hopefully he won't be much later, otherwise I get to go to bed alone. Peanut just let out a cry, a singular one though, but that means he's on edge for when I go check on him. I'm always so paranoid he's cold, not even having (the world's safest!) space heater in there to keep the draft at bay calms me down.
He's going to be a bit longer... but I'm listening to a Joe Hisaishi concert, it's making me not very sleepy. Only 12 minutes left on that though, and I'm going to bed at 1 one way or another.
Peanut is very very very into his fork. Grandma said he flat out refused to use his fingers at dinner. I'll admit, I know I should let him try and fail, but sometimes I'll help him with getting more food in his belly by feeding him because he gets a little frustrated and wants to stop. He's really gotten the stabbing thing down though. For the longest time he'd use his fork as a spoon, but we've gotten past that. Still working on everything we were working on before, like saying the number 1. Stubborn cutie :D Ooooh, and his Thomas the Train underwear came today! I'm still hopeful that this winter sometime we can get it down. I just need him to comunicate a bit better and we'll go at it hard.
-edit- I guess I never got back to it, so here it is... really really late.
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