That's right, I suck, I can't find my camera, ugh! We have his new Jumperoo up and ready to go, though it's going to be awhile till he can sit in it at all proper, but I can't take a picture of him all swallowed up in it. At least I have pics in his one at Grammy's.
Oooh another bonus to Blogger vs Typepad, they have a 'add picture by url' option, so I don't have to upload it. Sweeeet.
So it's been miserable. Boi has been miserable. Peanut has been miserable. Sleep has been a joke. I'm cutting out soy now on top of the dairy (and eggs, nuts, shellfish too just to be safe) So today I have eaten... bare bones sauce and spaghetti, cereal with coconut milk, a can of green beans, a banana, and the last of the sparkling grape juice that Boi and I failed to finish last night due to all the crying. I need to find more food though because at my count I still need at least another 500 calories. Maybe some bacon. Mmmmm bacon.
Yeah. We've resorted to leaving a hairdryer running (safely, of course) in his room to get him to go back to sleep. Plus he's been uber picky about nursing. And napping like shit. I just want him to sleeeeeeeeeeep. So he can be happy and I can be happy and we can have fun and I can go back to living like a normal person, getting work done, keeping the house clean, making meals, instead of being a basket case.
So this new years that's all going to change. I am going to get him to take better naps. I am going to eat bare bones food until he sleeps better (I'm hoping I just have to up it to no soy). I am going to exercise more to keep myself from slipping into depressed moods. I am going to be a winning mom!
He can sleep long stretches, I've seen it! I've seen him go 8-11 hours. So what's with this 40 minutes asleep, 30mins - 3 hours awake, 1-3 hours asleep shit doing back here? And I dread days as much as nights, I'll swaddle him, put on white noise, not make a freaking peep, and he still wants to get up after only 20 minutes. Kid, when you only sleep 20 minutes, you get tired and cranky after like 45 minutes. We're taking too many naps a day, you should only need 4 or so! He'll often take a longer nap in the morning and in the evening (like right now, of course I've had to keep tending to him to keep him asleep...), but ugh, afternoons are a bitch.
Whoops, forgot to post this yesterday. Posting now!
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