Tomorrow Boi turns 32 (holy cow he's old!) and Peanut turns -4 weeks. Alas, it'll likely be a quiet day, in that Boi works. Sighs - I made him an extremely high calorie dessert last night though, so we're spreading out the celebration. That reminds me, I could put his present in something nicer than a brown box. Either way, I'm going to try to get it through his head that tomorrow he should come home on time, as then he can watch the Brewers play on TV since WGN is airing it. And if he can get out a bit early, all the better!
Ooooooooooh hi Peanut, what are you doing? I take it you liked that juice I took my vitamin with!
Yesterday... Boi had the day off, alas he had to do a few things like mow the lawn. But now he doesn't have to worry about it at least :) I went out to give him a hand, cleaning up some sticks and pruning the maple tree so it stops attacking things in our driveway. I came back in for a drink of water and to check my skin for pinkness, and then suffered two close together contractions. Soooooo I hung out inside for a bit. But my body forgave my hauling stuff around and let me get back to life.
Then we had our last childbirth class, a lot of the class was going over relaxation techniques.So basically a lot of massages and such for me. Except that she gave us ice to hold on to to simulate contractions. Yaaaaaay pain.
We got home, I started making him his dessert, and for the last few days, Peanut has been floating very high and sideways. We're fairly confident we could make out his head/torso/butt. I took out the bowl to stir in the living room, and that didn't last very long. I started cramping up, so I sat back and prepared to wait out what I figured was just another contraction for 30 seconds. A minute or two later it obviously was not that, he was wayy too active and it was still going and getting worse. So I opted to just curl up as pain and nausea had joined the fray, and I called Boi over to give me what I hoped would be a distracting massage. 10 minutes of hell later, I could sit up and talk normally again. And lo and behold, the head/torso/butt were no longer stuck in my ribs, and instead I had and still have a relatively shapless hard lump.
So... now I know why babies don't turn much the last month and why they don't like to manually turn babies. Because it's HELLISH. But on the plus side, I'm thinking the shapeless lump that likes to move around up by my ribs are his feet again, which means he's spun into the right position. Now I just need to focus on keeping myself as much as I can in a good position to make sure he's facing backwards too. Then hopefully I won't go to 41-42 weeks! A girl can dream. Alas, about the only relief I can get for my upper back pain right now is to lean back against something.... which is not an optimal position.
Now time to get you guys dizzy! I thought I'd just do a spinny move up in Peanut's room, here's the result
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