Monday, May 23, 2011


I guess I've always had this cycle of every other month or so my brain just goes, heck no! You're not gonna sleep! It seems that even pregnancy can't completely silence it. And then when Peanut drops down, well. Sleep is nonexistent. Not only am I not tired, but I can't stop thinking about getting out of bed to pee. Who cares if it's 3, 4 am? Not my body! Then of course, when I do finally fall asleep and wake up a few hours later, I'm wide awake and I feel kind of crappy. I can't argue with my body, it knows Peanut needs his momma to be better rested. But my brain is awake again - I just gotta trudge through the day. It's been about 4 nights now? Fortunately it never lasts forever, but then I switch to crashing. Fall asleep at 8pm, take naps, generally just never wake up for several days. Until I eventually hit equilibrium and it evens out.

 I hear there might be father's chip dip at the baby shower. I'm enticed :) K, you may change my RSVP from 'maybe' to 'yes!' (haaaaaay calm down, I was always going to come...) It takes very little to get me excited, but now all I can think of is chip dip. I just snacked on a peach... but it's not quite the same. At all. For one thing, it's orange, chip dip is pink. Also, you need chips to properly enjoy chip dip, but not so much for peaches. Also peaches like to drip their juices down my hand, while chip dip stays congealed. Oh, and I have peaches, I don't have chip dip. I think that's the main difference.

You didn't really want me to start on a stream of consciencness rant, did you? Sorry!

Still having the pains from the u/s, generally speaking. Not as bad as that first week... and if I do take Tylenol (If I know I'm going to be doing stuff) it does help. Still rather miserable/annoying though at times. But at least for the most part I can get up, limp around for awhile, and then do better. I never did call back since the Tylenol is 'making it better.' And I lack any symptoms that would indicate more of a problem. Although I got a bit concerned yesterday when Peanut was suuuper quiet, even if I would eat. Today he's back to normal though! I've forgotten what it was like before getting nudged off and on all day.

Speaking of baby kicks, Peanut STILL won't kick with a hand on my belly. He can be as active as can be, but as soon as the hand appears, he stops. I guess it's a good way to quiet him up so  I can sleep (if I could sleep).

Face FACE! From left to right, body, chin, lips, nose forehead! Nose looks a little stubby... but maybe that's a good thing, maybe he'll have a recessive smallish nose. Or maybe that's just how the image came back ;) Aw what a cute little face! The little hunk is hovering right around a pound now... that's how much the kittens weighed when I first got them about a pound each. Aww and what cuties they were! Tiny little lightweight bits of fur. Hopefully Peanut has a little less fur than them though. I mean, he's got to keep his skin protected from getting pickled, but I don't think that means he has to be like a kitten in there.

Boi hopefully has left work by now. Let's call! OMG SO MUCH FUN LIVE BLOGGING WHILE CALLING! *mutes TV* *calls* oh poo. Voicemail. 9 times out of 10 that means he's still busy at work, and hasn't bothered to turn it back on yet. Good thing I'm not tired or anything. Sleepy during the day, but certainly not at night. I also left my glass of water out of reach. Ok, this is officially the new End of the World.

Oh, and the belly? Still slanted left. Yup.

Oh, and here is my baby board pregnancy ticker. Maybe I'll just add it in to the posts at the bottom?

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