Saturday, February 27, 2016

Snuggly kids

Peanut has been extra snuggly lately with us, including Almond. They're becoming real good pals with each other. When she gets fussy I go ask him to show her some of his toys, and it usually works :) She's a tad bit bigger now after a growth spurt... though I feel like this isn't it. I have a bad feeling she's going to grow a bit more. She's done that in previous spurts... we'll see.

Almond has been learning to fall asleep in her crib... however it went poorly this morning. But last night she slept 10 hours straight, so that's great! She's eating peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, rice and chicken stock. Yum yum!

Today is the hubby's half birthday, we're going to celebrate with strawberry cheesecake and a trip to the mountain. Peanut insisted on the latter... and the former, actually. He helped me make the cheesecake last night, now I have to make the strawberry topping. I also should go get the boy outside, it's already 43!

Picture dump!

The snowman is a goner today.

Teaching her the iPad

One last sledding in before it all melts

Thursday, February 18, 2016


We've had a few weeks of illness here. We all were slightly sick a few weeks ago, then last week Peanut was very sick, fever all week, then this week Almond came down with RSV. Thank goodness warmer weather is here ( 36 today, 40s this weekend!)

Their grandparents are still off visiting the Texan family. 1.5 weeks into their vacation. We're hoping they'll be back by her half birthday. But today is MY half birthday, hooray!

We're pretty excited, I'm soon going to grab the mailbox for her to play with. We're talking like REAL toys now. Not just jamming things in her mouth, but we think she'll be able to activate the music on the spinner thing. Only one way to find out, right :) It's weird to think about the next few months. Crawling? Finger foods? Standing/Crusing? Holy shit it's going to start moving fast now. Yesterday you could see her brain spinning trying to figure out if she could manage to lunge at the cat. She loooooooooves that cats.

Peanut is mostly still into the same stuff. He wants to make some leaves for his stuffed 'wild turtle' to eat though. So that's a plan for today. I do owe him some quarters, he did listen yesterday and helped me clean a bit yesterday. He's been pretty needy. If we're not in the room he gets scared and will follow me around instead of staying and playing if I need to change her diaper or whatever. That also means when I'm trying to get her to nap as well, which has been... swell...

We're talking about trying sweet potatoes today! We'll all just  eat them today and enjoy :) Which reminds me she hasn't had any solids yet this morning... I could suggest hubby goes feeds her some beans or I could pump... Oy, decisions.

So we tried the mailbox. She didn't quite get it, but that's ok :) I'm thinking in the next month she'll get very into it, just still a little young yet. Peanut enjoyed it terribly.

Ok, little update done! Better than no update :)

Almond at the clinic. She ripped the crinkly paper to shreds while we waited! I know I don't post as many pictures of Peanut but he's been refusing to smile/pose lately. Sigh.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

5 months!

The girl is 5 months. Time both goes slowly and flies. The hall bathroom got repaired. Peanut had show and tell, he brought in a Canadian National, a book and a picture of his Enterprise cake. Almond is sitting up independently. We all got sick. The kids are sick again. Peanut very very sick. Fever, cold, stomach pains. Almond kept waking up 8-12 then I was up with Peanut 1230-630 or so. They're both asleep right now... at 9 in the morning.

But when they're healthy both kids play really well together. Peanut enjoys playing snow plow train outside, it's a crap week this week so hopefully we're all better next week. When the weather is much nicer.

But next week we'll be in the 30s. But no Grandparents, they've gone off to visit the rest of the family for the rest of the month. So jealous, I'd rather be in 70s then dreaming of just getting into the 30s.

Almond tried avocado and carrots. She reacted poorly to the both of them :( That's exactly what our little family needs. No tree nuts, meat, wheat and now latex foods? We don't eat much. Once we're a little bit more on our game we're going to see about getting her tested. I'm now eating even less, but actually now that I'm avoiding like the potatoes and grapes too, she actually had a normal BF diaper. I very rarely see those, maybe we're finally onto something. I can hope. And maybe after we get her tested we'll find out I CAN have dairy, and it was just coincidence that she improved upon taking them out.

Hey, I can hope.