Lot's have been going on this last month. The boys went to a baseball game, and we all headed down to visit with Peanut's new cousin two days later. We all had a blast, but required a number of recovery days. I had my birthday, and hubby is going to have his soon. We had a really enjoyable quiet day on mine, weather was cool and I could bundle up happily under blankets. We've got a few days here where we're warmed up and then back to cool weather! Sucks for getting in some last of the summer pool runs but let's face it, I'm just getting slower and crabbier at the end here ;)
Peanut went to a nearby zoo and train with Gpa the other day too, it was a good day out with just him and Gpa I think. But then that night I started getting contractions. We were watching Wheel and I was feeling super uncomfortable at first and then I realized that they were somewhat timeable, which was a first for me. I've had plenty here with Almond, but never that 'third' to make a pattern. They were around ~15 minutes apart for the first few hours, then after Peanut went to bed they were closer to 10. I was able to nap on and off for a bit of the night in-between contractions, but then I was up early and couldn't rest any more.

They were more intense, but still not ... consistently consistent? I'd go good for awhile, then they'd slip up for a bit and jump up back to that 10-15 range. But then speed up and get consistent again. At one point, I was trying to rest while Peanut was watching a Curious George movie that morning and they were bopping around between 3-5 minutes. I figured at that point at the very least I needed to get our stuff in the car and get Peanut to Gma's and decide if the inconsistencies were no longer a big enough deal to stay out of L&D. But alas by the time the car was packed it had slowed back down. And by the time we were at Gma's they had basically stopped (1 or 2 an hour).
15ish hours of labor... hopefully not completely for naught. Time will tell though. Hopefully it means she'll actually come sooner than later, but we were in the mindset that she was coming and it's been a little bit of a difficult transition back into the real world. And so far not a single one today. As my brother says, in a year we'll look back on this and laaaaaaaaugh (well, maybe on the outside, pretty sure I'm still not laughing about Peanut's ;) )