Peanut: Come up!
You know, when it's his first time saying a new phrase, you sit up and do what you're told ;)
Slowly but surely hearing more words out of him. More slowly then surely, but it's happening. I can get him to repeat some words with taunting him with the spray bottle. Like 'Momma is cool' then he gets sprayed in the face.
We also played Hide and Go Seek the other day, he loved that a lot. I wanted to try Red Light Green Light, but I forgot to try that this morning, and it's best to do that with two parents.
So what's been going on? Yesterday, I drew some cows and cut out some spots, we've had fun putting the spots on the cows. I got him to say 'banana cookie'. Boi valiantly attempted to corral him while I did some work. One of the things, and I know I've said this before, but one of our issues I think we're having is we don't treat Peanut like a 'big boy' we treat him like a toddler. And he's not anymore, he's capable of doing a lot more then we currently ask of him.
Somethings are tough. Like yesterday morning Boi got frustrated because Peanut wouldn't pull his pants down. I intervened, and said it was ok for us to do it for him, because it was early and Peanut was waking up. And I do stand by that. However we should expect him to do it when he's more awake later on in the day, and I shouldn't just jump to do it to speed things up. A learning process for us all. I expect Peanut to get his own plate/bowl and fork/spoon. I expect him to leave his milk on the table, and if he spills, to clean it up.
So then why don't I expect him to clean up other messes, why does it have to be just milk spills? Why can't he get other things for himself, like clothes? Ok, it's hard for him to get shirts out of the closet, but I could tell him to go grab his own underwear out of the drawer. And then lift him up so he can select a shirt.
I need to be more awake in the morning, to start the day off right, instead of just turning on the TV and sleepily figuring out where the caffeine is. Going to bed earlier won't be easy... it's kind of a huge lifestyle change. But I can't get Peanut to go to bed later - we've been trying, he refuses to sleep past 7-8. Usually 7. So until that changes... I suppose I need to just change and get to bed BY midnight.
Last night I also sent in my resume to a local company, and they responded positively to it this morning. KMFX that we can work out something good for everyone. I don't have a lot of details, but it could turn out to be something great. It'll also get me out of the house a little, which I think I really really need.
Also this morning, Peanut came up to me, said, "Hello." I said hello back. He held up his milk and said "Cow Moo." and walked away. It was so very pleasing!