Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Day of Videos (and Pictures)

So I really enjoyed myself last year when I just snapped Peanut's life all day long. I've been wanting to do it again, however I wanted Boi to be home the day I did it, and I wanted to catch Peanut first thing in the morning to start. Today finally both things have occurred  so today I will be capturing highlights (and lowlights) of his day.

 It would appear that he doesn't cry, however he did wake us up this morning crying, but reverted to chilling out and waiting for us by the time I got the camera. I love that he's starting to be able to chill out a bit in his crib :)

Ok, we're up! I'll turn on the TV, ok? Yay, I found the button!

Wait, no TV? Diaper change? Fine, I'll read this book while you take care of that.

I love mornings where all the sippies are dirty. Bottle of milk and pancakes!

 Poor cats have it rough, all they want is a little sunshine!

Time to sabatogue Daddy's radio. 80s music is not my style!

After spilling his milk all over him, it was clearly time for a change of clothes. And more reading of his favorite book.
Peanut likes to climb Daddy :)
From climbing to piggy back ride. Weeeeeee~!
Time for a snack. Well, it's for me, but I shared my string cheese.

Went downstairs to play. All the loudest toys are down here :)

We went outside to play and to wear him out for his nap. 50s today!!!

I can help!!!

 Yeah, we let him play in the street. Easy running out there, come spring we'll teach him not to.

But Daddy, I don't want to go take a nap, the Packers are on!

Mmmmm nap time. One of my favorite times of the day!

Yawning, took a really long nap - 3 hours!

Long naps need nourshiment afterwards. Chicken and broccoli!

Well, apparently he didn't want to eat as much as he was playing it up. He's big into his 'throwing food on the ground' phase. Also, his waving hands at the end is sign language for 'all done'

Since Peanut's 6th tooth is cutting through, he's extra cranky, so I let him bring his loud toolbox upstairs while I folded laundry. It was.... entertaining for us both? Just be glad this isn't a video.

He was still cranky about his teeth, so I started vacuuming. He loves vacuums, and tried to kiss it.

Since he didn't eat much, we fit in a proper snack time

We had a wardrobe malfunction, therefore an outfit change. Peanut was helping me watch the Mythbusters preview.

Yup, Peanut eats. A lot. 8:00 every night he eats oatmeal, and practices with his spoon. Tonight is apple cinnamon oatmeal (homemade)

The same book he's been carrying around all day, right now Moo Baa La La La is his favorite. He used to respond with Moo when I asked him what sound a cow makes, but now instead he responds at the end with 'pa' - his favorite sound.

We decided we weren't done with the monthday pictures after all, so we decided to continue the tradition. This time on the chair with a sign. He's still 13 months for another week!

Back downstairs! A little play time for the boy.

Daddy came down to join us so Peanut could play on the ball :)

I'm sad I missed one of our favorite things. Usually we're on the main floor when it's bathtime, and we tell him what time it is, and he flails his hands in front of him (that's roughly the sign for bathtime) and runs over to the gate and bangs on it. :( Oh well

Dental hygiene is important, don't you know?

All diapered up and getting ready to put him in his pjs. Peanut has other plans though.

Packer PJs!! Goodnight everyone!!

Thanks for spending the day with us! He's sleeping now <3 and Daddy too!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Peanut Extrodinaire

He's great. Chattering away... Will show that he's one year old with a finger. He loves shaking his head so he gets dizzy and falls down. He's figuring out face parts, and will finally sit in the tub during bathtime. He wouldn't stay in his stroller again today... And he won't leave food on his tray, to the floor it goes. Hoping he sleeps tonight... He didn't last night. Ok, bye!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November fun

Ok, Halloween fun? Peanut was a dinosaur for Halloween, and he went trick or treating at about eight houses? He was hit and walking around and people exclaimed about the cute little dinosaur. He's had some rough time since. At this point I don't very much it's the Reeces we split or the cookie he had from grandma. Yesterday he pooped a lot, six times, and his butt is pretty raw, and I can feel a bulge, or maybe three, On his gums. Stupid teeth.

Today grandma is coming over to play with him. Looks like I have some work to do, yaaaay. But I want to make turkey and squash soup for lunch and also clean, so it will be the delicate balance.

I think we can really say that Has three different works. When he gets mad or sad and wants me calls me mama, he knows what sound a cow makes and when he's chasing the cats he makes a ka sound. All very rough, however he is consistently Saying it.