Saturday, June 16, 2012

Last Minute!

Keeping up with my promise to myself, just barely. Boi is coming home, and will be home for Father's Day tomorrow. I can finally get his gift from Peanut out of hiding. And I'm making breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack for him. ::excited::

He went down pretty easily tonight, woke up once so far. I meant to throw a blanket over his window, but hopefully I'll remember to do that tomorrow. I can still tuck him in with Boi in the morning and get ready for the big day.

Hmm, today was ok, I got some shopping in, and Peanut took a long nap with Grandma. I ran out of body wash, and since apparently J&J is the devil, I got some Burts Bees stuff. He had fun in the bubbles tonight.

The wash just got done, random tops and bottoms for Peanut at garage sales. Maybe tomorrow we'll wear something new to us :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Refiguring Sleep Out

Giving him another week or two to decide that just because he's in bed and CAN stand in there, doesn't mean he has to. By rocking him completely to sleep before putting him down. And he's not going down easy, he's fighting it every rock of the chair. And even if you stay in the chair for several minutes, we've only got a 50% chance of getting him in the crib still completely zonked, if he even half wakes up, it's try to stand up.

I'm going to make this quick, as I wanted to try for a week's worth of posts, and well, it's already 11:20. Fortunately he slept through his recently common 40 minute wakeup, he may still wake up at midnight, but this is good progress. Still no second tooth, but here's the first one for ya.

He clearly isn't too pleased about it.

Or maybe just about it's friend, who I had hoped would have been here by now. But tonight when nursing he was doing this thing with his hand that I noticed the week the first one came in so.... *crosses fingers*


Post another photo!

I pulled this out of the garage today, it's not new to us, but it's new to him (a ring toss, if you haven't figured that out) His favorite thing to do now is to crawl around with a ring in his mouth :D I love it when he does that, he's so cute!

Didn't get nearly as much done today as I wanted to. Part lazy, part clingy baby, part I DON'T WANNA NAP baby. Although the ring toss kept him distracted for a good while.

I like distractions.

I'm going to make these posts happier. I'm hopefully going to go to bed soon here! That's pretty happy, right?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

This. Week. Sucked.

I don't think I've said anything since getting back from vacation. We had fun (mostly - at least during the day) vising family and friends in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. We used up our travel vouchers finally as well.

Since my last report, Peanut can do many thing. He can climb all the way up the stairs. He can pull up on just about anything, and cruise along them. He's starting to wave, and will often clap or high five on request. He can get himself out of any position - we've had to lower the crib mattress. We've introduced wheat, and he fascinated by pasta and cheerioes. Though right now he has cheerioes and banana chunks on his tray and he likes the banana more. We found freeze dried apples and blueberries in Philly - he loves the apples but just spits out the blueberries. He'll learn to like them :)

At the Zoo, his favorite (read the only animal he showed interest in) were the flamingos. I think he would have like the rainforest exhibit, closer to the animals and there was more movement, but he fell asleep in his daddy's arms for that.

There, I tried to stay positive for awhile. We're home, Boi went directly to work after it, and we've barely seen him. I've got my second cold in a month. Peanut no longer likes to sleep or nap. Sleep completely rules a person's day, especially when they're under the weather. To keep him sleeping in the morning, we're having to switch to cosleeping, which means I get less quality sleep at that point too.

Last night, Peanut went to bed at 9. He woke up at 10. He woke up at 11. At 11 I gave him Tylenol, hoping the wakeups were due to that tooth that's trying to cut through. Nope. He woke up at 12. He woke up at 1. At 1 when he woke up he was more alert, so I tried to get him down, but he was back up faster, so I nursed him, still didn't want to go down. So I ignored him for awhile :( 

Part of the problem is the vacation we took, he hasn't been the same since. Also the day after we got back, he finally figured out how to roll back to front. So he eventually fell asleep on his tummy, and whimpered on and off for an hour in his sleep. He woke up again around 2, I rocked him back down. Around 3 something, Boi finally came home from work, and he woke up again, this time he rocked him back down. Can you guess what I did at 4 and 5? HE SLEPT TWO HOURS THEN and woke up at 730. I kicked Boi and he brought him into the bedroom and they cuddled for another hour until he had to get back up for work. Now it's breakfast, I'm having a coke. Must. Find. Energy. I'll have healthier stuff later, right now I'm focusing on being awake enough to take care of him.

I had hope that maybe things were getting better, but they're not. I'll just keep telling myself to give it a whole week. Friday night, tomorrow night, that will be the night legends are made of. At the very least I should be 90-95% by then, so things should look a bit happier.