Saturday, April 28, 2012

Teething Returns and a Proper Post

We had two glorious days teething free. Then after his afternoon nap, he seemed crankier than normal. I tried to keep him distracted, and usually he's always up for 3 hours before his evening nap... but after 2 hours and change, we were so mournfully upset and sad that I got him down early :( His nose is getting runny/snotty again, and he felt a little warm as I was rocking him, and then when I tried to stand up and put him down, he protested mightly. The same as the beginning of the week. Hopefully this time they cut through :(

Though before the shit hit the fan, we had some productive fun. See picture on the left. He started with his head by the car, then he back and turned to play with the piano, and then as I took this picture, he was slowly backing his way into the couch, where he got stuck and I rescued him. That's the farthest he's backwards scooted yet! And remember that walking/riding toy I got him for his 6 month birthday? Well, first of all I stuck a 5lb weight in it so it wouldn't move quite so easily. Then we were standing behind it, and he was standing with it quite well, and then he pushed it forward... and stepped forward with it :D Of course a few times he started to topple sideways, or his feet didn't move when it went forward, but it only took about a month for him to be able to really start to use it! Yay! Can't wait to see how he's doing with it in another week!

Then we were playing pull up and cruise after toys with the clothes basket. And he made the corner -twice- ! As in, by himself, he shuffled his hands and feet from one side of the basket to another side. He can also stand there and play with a toy he plucks out of the basket, and today when he tried to pluck out two, balanced for 3 or 4 seconds before he plopped back on his butt.

Yesterday Mom and I took Peanut to a baby play time at our local museum. He had a blast, I was too shy to say anything to the other mom's, but Peanut was curious to look at all the babies. Next month he might try to interact a bit more, and maybe I will too if any of them are familiar :) Then we went and picked up our clay projects, and had lunch with Uncle A, who's moving away to Houston, where Auntie K also lives :/ Seriously? Austin seems to be much more their style if they were going to go to Texas, but hey, I guess you live where you have a job.

I know it's kinda silly, to be so excited for Peanut to be moving and crawling, and that as long as he's relatively immobile life is easier for me, but hey, I'm a mom, I get excited.

He's going to be waking up soon. I dedicated a nap to blogging... 8 more minutes of freedom, unless he somehow manages to sleep longer, but I doubt he will. Tomorrow Boi has off, and I'm going to see if we can't update our videos with his latest achievements, but a lot of the walking/cruising/standing stuff I'm too paranoid to try to film it myself, and I don't normally like it when I try to just put it down to film from far away, it cuts off heads or all I end up seeing is my butt :/

Oh, I almost forgot, Mom and I went garage saling after all the fun yesterday. 2 sweater vest three piece sets, 5 footed pjs, 2 rompers, 1 fall jacket, 4 sep pants, 1 hawaiian shirt, 1 'muscle shirt' 2 two-piece pjs sets, 3 onesies and 2 toys for like $25! I love garage sales! And next weekend is the village wide sale day, and mom and I have a favorite neighborhood of families that tend to have nice stuff to hit up. Can't wait to see if I can't find a few gems there!

Maybe I can find some really great baby geeky stuff at the same place we got all the anime a few years ago!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

7 Months Old

Peanut is 7 months old today! How times flies! He's an unhappy baby though, only to be calmed by some Tylenol. We're pretty sure it's teething, and hoping if it's this bad it's going to cut soon. Please oh please oh please! I'd really rather we could all rest comfortably and not wake up crying every 5-40 minutes :/

He's getting better at doing things this last month. He will pull to standing, he'll put weight on his knees and rock. He'll scoot backwards and still will do it counterclockwise. He's eating lots more foods. He still can't do dairy though, we tried a few dollops of yogurt in his food - it didn't sit well with him.

He did really well (I think) with the house being overrun for Trivia this weekend. He could have been a lot grouchier about it all, but he was pretty happy throughout. The fussiest he got was Sunday night, and maybe that was the beginning of teething in actuality, hard to say I suppose.

Here he is, yesterday with a 102 fever. He was miserable and sleepy. We cuddled for awhile, but afterawhile I had to put him down, so I lined his RnP with a cuddly blanket and he dozed in and out of it until his fever finally went down. Stupid Tylenol took forever.

Hopefully we can get our shit together, I can get the house clean, that tooth will come in and stop making him miserable, and Boi will get good news about work soon.

What will 7 months bring? I'm thinking he'll start cruising, and maybe figure out how to crawl forward. He'll also get to start some meat, I don't think I'll blend any up, but likely make like chicken stock. But it'll all be a fun adventure, whatever he decides to pull out.

I think he's waking up. I'm off!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Trivia Week

Much has been going on, and I have been super bad about blogging. My bad. We've been prepping for Trivia, deep spring cleaning, etc etc. Trying to keep my head on. Peanut has been pretty good through it all. He has now scooted backwards a few feet, he has pulled up from sitting to standing, and he's getting a new play area downstairs. I should be working on it now, but instead I'm blogging :P

I'll hopefully get more of an update later, right now I'm just trying to catch up on things on my list, and this was on there, so it's an intermediate post :) I have a TON of digital Logany things to do though.... you know, this weekend while I have a dozen babysitters in the house may be when I actually get to it! Watch for it!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Peanut's Favorite Things

*Sings the tune* these are a few of his favorite things.

I was thinking back to the past. 0 thru 2 months, obviously it was sucking, being held, rocking, etc. He learned of the o-ball, his Sophie, fishes and seahorses... sucking, rocking etc. And then we became good sitting, and suddenly everything was fair game. He learned about his favorite things ever, and he was able to play with all sorts of new toys.

So today I present you a listing of Peanut's favorite things. A few runners up would be crinkly paper, soft books or blankets to smack his face with. But here are the big winners.

First, I'll just acknowledge the nook. It's kind of the gimme - of course he's going to like it, it's a pacifier. It pacifies him. His nook AND Sophie. Really Sophie should be on this list, but quite frankly I'm too tired right now to find a picture. Maybe that will change before I post. Other things that are fun in this pic: his bumbo allows him to hang out with mom where he'd otherwise have a hard time not getting in trouble... Like for example, in the bathroom. Also mirrors are great fun. Usually he gets shy when he sees his reflection.  Awww who's that cute baby in the mirror over there?

Next up, we have "the toy." It plays music, it moves, it has removable parts, it has things to smack, it's distracting. Oh magical toy, you have helped Peanut quickly progress from raking his hands for toys, to deftly picking up toys. In a matter of days after discovering the wonder of the little dood egg men, he was able to not only pluck them out with ease, but do it with both hands. And then attempt to shove them both in his mouth. Yay!

Diaper Changing Toy Thingie I Just Named Sam! He will seriously *squeal* sometimes when you bring out Sam. It's a toy he only gets when his diaper is changed, you pull on his tail and he makes noise. He's soft and he has a few spots that's easy to hold on to. He's lot's'o'fun. So much so that when I asked Boi what we should get for my cousin's baby shower, he said Sam here.

Stackable Ring Toy! You're the thing that makes be truly believe in classic toys. I'm not sure what it is about it. The colors? The donut like quality of the rings? The fact that you can tear them off of the holder? Maybe it's the gateway drug to blocks, stack them up and knock them down. What ever it is, he loves his donut rings. If he gets bored, I know all I have to do is stack them up, give it to him, and he goes CRAAAAAAAAZY for them. Oh sweet plastic toy love. The wonders never cease.

 Not a toy persay, but it goes along with his jumper. Standing is number 2 on our favorite toy list. Every toy is made better by standing. He thought sitting and playing was great, but holy moley does he have fun playing standing up. His piano? BANG BANG BANG? His egg men? SMASH SMASH SMASH! His donut rings? FLY THROUGH THE AIR! Jump jump jump, little boy, you are learning to hold on, to keep yourself up when you start to fall over, it's only a matter of time now until you learn to use your muscles to pull you up without a boost. May you use your new found standing powers for good rather than evil.

NUMBER ONE FAVORITE THING IS: KITTIES! That's right, nothing is better than a soft meowing moving thingie than two soft meowing moving thingies! It doesn't matter what he's doing, how much fun he's having, how sad he is, if there's a kitty around, his mouth goes :O and he stares and drools and tries to reach for her to grab out her fur and pull on her tail.

These are all great things, but momma's favorite thing is loong naps little boy. Long long long naps so you recooperate and are in better moods when you're awake. So nap long little boy, and maybe I can catch a nap too.