Heh, it's getting too tiring and painful to even type anymore. It's been a bit of a crappy week. I had a stomach bug or something last week, then we tried going out downtown Sunday and I was a complete wuss. Well, ok, I forgot my hat, it was hot and sunny, I was retaining water, it was exhausting me, then I got a headache and nausea, and we had to just go home.
I think I may have a no pants rule until he pops out. Just too much pain/annoyance in wearing pants now.
We had another appointment today, Boi almost had to miss it, if he had it'd be the first he'd missed, so an awesome streak going. Didn't really learn anything at the appointment, I'm electing not to find out if I'm dilated till 40 weeks, and so it was just be same ol' same ol'. I think my BP was at an all time low of 102/62, gotta have fun somehow, right? I did bring up my hands/wrists though finally, it was just as I figured though, carpal tunnel, now I just have an official diagnosis. I've got the worst one wrapped up (it's just started to get quite painful the last couple days) and hoping to hear from mom about a wrist brace I remember her owning. Our insurance didn't cover the maternity belt, so I assume they won't pay for a wrist brace either ... though I do still have some money left in my HSA account, I bet that could apply.
Boi installed a new garbage disposal for me, and K came by - finished up her Peanut blanket and touched up the paint on the radiator and ceiling for me, Dad installed the valence.... they all rock. Well, everyone who's helped me out in any way lately, big or small, rocks, but you know, those are standing out in my head. And I bought a new toaster? It all evens out in the end, I'll be doing most of the work soon enough I suppose.
We're back to fall weather. Blankets and sweaters oh my! My favorite things! Our cats went wacko this morning though. Boi went down to feed them, I guess they were ok then, then he went back down... and saw a loose or feral cat at the window with Kairi. He shooed the cat away, but we're thinking maybe he sprayed her? Or she was just beyond spooked, because then Kiara starting hissing at her, and Kairi backed into a corner. We had to lock Kiara up while we went to the appointment, fortunately they were back to normal (mostly) when we returned, and let them sniff each other through a gate. And now they're contently sleeping at my feet.
The naughty girls though, I understand it was stressful morning, but Boi found Kiara in the Pack 'n Play (2nd time) and Kairi on the changing table (1st time). I swore if I found either of them on any of Peanut's stuff again, I'd start taking action against them. So we're trying cheap low tech solution of balloons. I'll throw them in the crib/pnp/changing table and that should discourage them (especially if they're insistent and pop one - plus I'll hear that and know what they were doing!) Obviously it's unacceptable for them to possibly be anywhere near the baby like that if I set him down and walk away for a bit. Hopefully this will teach them.
Oh by the way, I'm going to blow your minds. Peanut is due NEXT FRIDAY.